DL: I will say that going back to the late 80s and early 90s, before cellphones, Dead tour one of the most valuable things that I had was the watch I was wearing at that time.
I'd like to think and say that I don't care about time, but I do—we're a time based world.
As much as we were all hippies and we didn't like to, you know, ‘follow the rules,’ but we had to know what time it was. When concerts started, because we had to meet our friends at a certain time or when to pick them up at their hotel—that was through our watches.
This is exciting that you know Nixon kind of brings it full circle with having timepieces on our wrist so we can make sure we're at the show at the right time and meeting our friends at the right time without relying on this thing that we're all glued, looking at our phones.